Max Modiano Daniel

Max Modiano Daniel is a PhD candidate in History at UCLA and is currently writing his dissertation, A Sephardic Century: The Transnational Entanglements of a Los Angeles Community, 1893-1992. He was the 2018-2019 Rabbi Joachim Prinz Memorial Fellow at the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was formerly co-director of ucLadino and a researcher for the Sephardic Archive Initiative at the UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies. His research will be featured in an upcoming book published by Brandeis University Press, as well in American Jewish History.


Articles by Max Modiano Daniel

The History of Sephardi and Mizrahi Women in the United States

Among the first immigrants to the United States, the history and legacy of Sephardi and Mizrahi women has touched many facets of American and Jewish life.
