Meredith Kesner Lewis
Meredith Lewis is the Director of Operations at Meredith holds an MA in Hebrew and Judaic studies and an MPA in non-profit finance from New York University. She also received a BS in journalism from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Meredith has served as an advisor for United Synagogue Youth in the Westchester and Rockland Counties area as well as an education consultant.
Articles by Meredith Kesner Lewis
Best Error Message Ever
Tonight the New York Jewish Week is hosting an event called “Is the Internet Good for the Jews?” When you ...
Schmutz Wednesday
There’s an old story about a Jewish mother who sees a young man with dirt on his face. She goes ...
Rabbi Andy Bachman, an engaging and innovative Reform rabbi, recently blogged about those people who come to say kaddish at ...
I Wonder What’s On the Menu
From JTA: Nefesh B’Nefesh set up a large-screen TV in its Jerusalem offices for expatriate Americans to watch the Super ...
Let There Be Light
I generally don’t enjoy people who obsess about the media being anti-Israel, but this egregious case of bias is rather ...
Do They Need A Program Director?
This past week, The Simpsons featured the Hillel from Marge’s college days in a flashback. So what else does Hillel ...
Finally Good News From Hollywood
MSNBC is reporting that Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have left the Kabbalah kraze: “Ashton and Demi used to have ...
Young Jews and Israel
Last fall there was a good deal of blog chatter and press coverage about a study released by Steve M. ...
Bringing Back Boxing
At one point in history, the sport of boxing was dominated by Jewish men. And while those days are long ...
The Bible Raps Project
Everyone has different ways of learning about the weekly Torah portions: reading the actual text, studying d’vrei torah, acting out ...