My Jewish Learning

My Jewish Learning is the leading independent website and digital community for all things Jewish, from Jewish history to text to ritual to prayer to food and much more. We offer a robust website with thousands of articles answering nearly every possible question about Judaism and Jewish life, a daily newsletter guiding subscribers through interesting facts and must-read news about Jewish life and practice, a daily Talmud essay called "A Daily Dose of Talmud," a weekly Shabbat newsletter, dozens of special emails featuring insights into major Jewish topics, and a robust online community through our social media channels. Articles written with the My Jewish Learning byline are authored and edited by our staff. My Jewish Learning's staff includes leading Jewish scholars and journalists. Rachel Scheinerman, who holds a doctorate in Ancient Judaism from Yale University, is My Jewish Learning's Editor, and Ben Harris, a longtime, award-winning journalist covering Jewish topics, is Managing Editor.


Articles by My Jewish Learning

Moses Michael Hays: A Most Valuable Citizen

Boston's most prominent 18th Jewish citizen, Hays set a high standard for civic leadership and charity.

Modern Orthodoxy Builds a Cathedral

In 1887, Congregation Kahal Adath Jeshurun (KAJ) of New York City opened the doors of its monumental new synagogue on Eldridge Street, on New York's Lower East Side.

Shabbat as Social Reform

Rabbis and Jews argued for a five-day work week in order to be able to observe Shabbat.

Minnie Low and Scientific Tzedakah

Minnie Low was a thinker well ahead of her time.

Parashat Nasso Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Parashat Bamidbar Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Ruth Gruber’s Exodus: Part II

Ruth Gruber witnessed the former American pleasure boat, the Exodus, entering the Haifa harbor and the terrible conditions that the displaced Jews on Cyprus lived in.

LaGuardia 1, Hitler 0

Fiorello LaGuradia was a defender of the Jews and a strong opponent of Hitler.

A Martyr to His Faith

In 1647, the Portuguese Inquisition in Brazil compelled Isaac de Castro to choose between his Judaism and being burned alive. De Castro courageously chose his faith and martyrdom.
