My Jewish Learning

My Jewish Learning is the leading independent website and digital community for all things Jewish, from Jewish history to text to ritual to prayer to food and much more. We offer a robust website with thousands of articles answering nearly every possible question about Judaism and Jewish life, a daily newsletter guiding subscribers through interesting facts and must-read news about Jewish life and practice, a daily Talmud essay called "A Daily Dose of Talmud," a weekly Shabbat newsletter, dozens of special emails featuring insights into major Jewish topics, and a robust online community through our social media channels. Articles written with the My Jewish Learning byline are authored and edited by our staff. My Jewish Learning's staff includes leading Jewish scholars and journalists. Rachel Scheinerman, who holds a doctorate in Ancient Judaism from Yale University, is My Jewish Learning's Editor, and Ben Harris, a longtime, award-winning journalist covering Jewish topics, is Managing Editor.


Articles by My Jewish Learning

Conversion & Outreach Links

Links to conversion to Judaism

Jewish Film 101

Jews played--and continue to play--a pivotal role in the Hollywood movie studios, while Jews and Judaism have appeared in films in different ways and degrees throughout the history of film.

Jewish Film in America & Europe

From the days of silent pictures to a recent upsurge in Jewish documentaries, Jewish characters and themes have appeared at an increasing rate in American cinema.

Israeli Film

The relationship between Israeli cinema and its establishment has often been an uneasy one. Nonetheless, the history of Israeli cinema mirrors the history of Israel itself.

Overview: Israel’s Economy

Israel's Economy. Contemporary Israel. The Jewish State. Jewish History and Community.

Humanistic Judaism

The origins of a small Jewish movement that embraces a cultural identity while rejecting a belief in God.

Jewish Social Welfare

The high value placed by the Jewish tradition on active concern for the welfare of others has its roots in the Torah.

Praying with Others Is Not the Same as Praying Alone

God may not need us to gather in groups to hear our prayers, but it can be useful to us.

Jewish Home and Community

The two pillars of Jewish life.

The Pittsburgh Platform, 1885

Principles of Reform Judaism: A primary historical document.
