Nancy Reuben Greenfield

Nancy Reuben Greenfield has written three adaptations of the Torah, including an interactive family version Her latest work, Tiptoe Through Genesis, brings out the poetry and power of the first and most influential book in history.


Articles by Nancy Reuben Greenfield

Parashat Bamidbar: Summary

Moses conducts a census of the Israelites; God describes the unique duties of the Kohath family of priests.

Parashat Bechukotai: Summary

God enumerates the rewards for keeping the commandments and the punishments for violating them; the laws of tithes are then listed.

Parashat Behar: Summary

God tells Moses to instruct the people in the laws of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years, as well as how to relate to those in the community who become impoverished.

Parashat Kedoshim: Summary

God tells Moses to give the people a series of ethical and ritual laws instructing them in how to be holy.

Parashat Emor: Summary

God gives Moses a series of laws specific to the priests; God then instructs Moses to tell the people about the festivals in addition to laws of blasphemy and murder.

Parashat Beshalach: Summary

Moses leads the Israelites into the wilderness after their escape from Egypt. God sends manna to feed them and Amalek attacks the Israelites.

Parashat Achrei Mot: Summary

God instructs Moses regarding the procedures for the Day of Atonement; sexual prohibitions are then listed.

Parashat Metzora: Summary

God describes the purification ritual for people and homes afflicted with leprosy; God also instructs Moses and Aaron regarding the laws of the emission of bodily fluids.

Parashat Tazria: Summary

God instructs Moses about the purification rituals for mothers following childbirth; God then describes to Moses and Aaron the procedures for identifying and responding to those infected with leprosy.

Parashat Shmini: Summary

After the dedication of the Tabernacle and the ordination of the priests, two of Aaron's sons bring a strange fire before God and are consumed by fire; God then instructs Moses and Aaron regarding which animals may be eaten.
