Rabbi Pamela Jay Gottfried
Pamela Jay Gottfried serves as a rabbi in Metro Atlanta. She is also an artist and the author of Found in Translation: Common Words of Uncommon Wisdom. Her current writing project is a collection of creative nonfiction that includes stories and poems about her 25+ years as a parent and rabbi. Connect with her at pamelagottfried.com.
Articles by Rabbi Pamela Jay Gottfried
Step Up to the Mic!
I believe it’s not an uncommon experience to be at a lecture or gathering where someone steps in front of ...
Passage to Freedom
How futile is speech against a cruel government that has confined human beings in unsanitary, overcrowded prisons, in less humane conditions than abandoned pets in animal shelters?
Hineni, Here I am…
“Accompaniment Urgently Needed for Asylum Court Case.” Volunteers are needed on June 6th.
‘Tis the Season
Spring is graduation season. My Facebook feed is crowded with photos of my friends’ children in cap-and-gown garb, sporting smiles, ...
To Bow, or Not to Bow?
That’s my question every time I visit the Roswell Community Masjid (RCM). Since as a young child I was taught ...
Morning Exercises: Prayer
Two weeks ago, I began posting on my blog about my morning routine, or morning exercises as I called them. ...
Hidden Figures: Homeless in Suburbia
In Atlanta, where an estimated 3,000 homeless people that cannot be accommodated in shelters sleep in parks and under highway ...
Mission at the Mexico-US Border
Human beings have devised many rules of three. Perhaps we are physically programmed to create these rules because our bodily ...
Taking a LEAP
This week I’m going back in time to my college days by taking a leap forward to become a student ...