Philipp Rivkind
Philipp Rivkind is a rising junior in Brooklyn, New York. He heard about HereNow at his high school and chose to be a Summer 2021 HereNow Intern because he wanted to explore his interests of mental health and psychology while interacting and working with people my age. If you don't see Philipp working, you will probably find him at a pool. Swimming is a huge part of his life and he is excited to connect physical activities with mental health and wellbeing.
Articles by Philipp Rivkind
Things Adults Say to Make Teens Feel Unwelcome
There are many phrases adults drop during daily life that can affect a teen’s self-esteem and emotional wellbeing. Three of ...
Five Ways to Deal with Stress During the College Admission Process
You are sitting behind the cold desk, hearing the clock tick down the seconds as you stare down at your ...