Rabbanit Dasi Fruchter
Rabbanit Dasi Fruchter is the founder and director of the South Philadelphia Shtiebel, a Jewish community initiative that is grounded in tradition and fueled by the new. Previously she served as an assistant clergy member at Congregation Beth Sholom in Potomac, Maryland. Rabbanit Fruchter was ordained at Yeshivat Maharat in New York.
Articles by Rabbanit Dasi Fruchter
High Holidays During Coronavirus
How to Celebrate the High Holidays At Home
Even when we can't gather in person, it's possible to create a meaningful holiday experience at home.
Ask the Expert: Do We Light a Memorial Candle on Yom Kippur?
Question: Do We Light a Memorial Candle on Yom Kippur? I know they are lit on the anniversary (yahrtzeit) of ...