Rabbi Adina Allen
Rabbi Adina Allen is a spiritual leader, author, and educator. She is cofounder and creative director of Jewish Studio Project (JSP), an organization that is seeding a future in which every person is connected to their creativity as a force for healing, liberation and social transformation. Adina is the author of The Place of All Possibility: Cultivating Creative through Ancient Jewish Wisdom (Ayin Press, 2024).
Articles by Rabbi Adina Allen
The Medicine of the Mythic
The period of mourning leading up to Tisha B'Av brings us into a space where the pain of the past can be touched — and transformed.
A Passover Beyond Words
The visceral cries of the enslaved Israelites, not their words, was essential to the process of liberation.
Our Tender Yearning Heart
We haven’t yet awoken to the part of us that, through calamity and catastrophe, remains open and ever full of love.
Struggling With Our Shadow
At this moment of intensifying violence, the Torah offers an insight into how we might open a path towards peace.
The Afterglow of Revelation
In the wake of Shavuot, we might ask ourselves: What have we been tending that we are now harvesting?
Coming Down to Earth
Instead of looking up to the heavens for holiness, what if instead we looked to the earth beneath our feet?
Rededicating Darkness
Darkness is often seen as inherently negative, but Jewish texts offer a more complex understanding.
The Kernel of the Yet-To-Come
The renewal of the yearly cycle of Torah readings invites us to reconsider our foundational stories anew.
Opposites Distract
The inversion of expectations, so central to the Purim story, can be both thrilling and confining.