Rabbi Alana Suskin
Rabbi Alana Suskin is an educator, activist, and widely-published writer. Ordained by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in California, she also holds BAs in Philosophy and Russian Linguistics, an MA in Philosophy and a graduate certificate in Women’s Studies, and is a popular speaker and teacher around the country. She is a senior managing editor of the progressive blog Jewschool.com, called “The most important thing happening online in the Jewish community today,” by noted Jewish sociologists Ari Kelman & Steven M. Cohen. Rabbi Suskin served as Assistant Rabbi at Adas Israel in Washington DC, the first synagogue in the USA to be addressed by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Director of Lifelong Learning at Shaare Torah in Gaithersburg, MD. Out of a passionate love for Israel and Zionism, she turned her rabbinate toward Israel advocacy and education with the Zionist, two-state policy organization, Americans for Peace Now. She has served on the boards of T’ruah, Jews United for Justice, and Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington. As an outgrowth of her long-time peace building and interfaith efforts, she is currently engaged in a project developing relationships between Jewish and Muslim communities in her region, together reaching out to and overcoming fear in communities unfamiliar with us and our religious practices and customs. Rabbi Suskin is a Rabbis Without Borders Fellow.
Articles by Rabbi Alana Suskin
Who isn’t a Jew?
In the ongoing dustup that started several years ago between Rabbi Daniel Gordis and a series of young rabbis, most ...
The Reprieve
Were you aware that every year, erev Thanksgiving, a turkey is sent to the White House for the president to ...
Caregiving or Responsibility?
I think that it would be wrong to let the day go by without saying something about the election. But ...
Can you have a future if you can’t escape the past?
Two recent articles had me thinking about the possibility of tshuvah today. The first was an article that appeared in ...
Justice in the City – A how-to?
I am not really the kind of person who recommends books. I periodically review them, but that’s different. They get ...
The blessings of a mixed multitude
A few weeks before I began rabbinical school, I took a vacation and went to visit my in-laws where they ...
Menstruation and “Family Purity” (Taharat Ha-Mishpacha)
An act of will is required to turn our thoughts back to the sacred after a bodily event has focused our attention on the very physical here-and-now.
Green Spaces: A World Not Of Our Making
The Levites' city dwellings remind us of the importance of green, agricultural spaces for encountering God's creation.
Seeing Their Faces But Not Their Doors
The Israelites' dwellings in the wilderness provide us with a model for ensuring the existence and dignity of housing for all members of society.