Rabbi Asher Lopatin
Rabbi Asher Lopatin is the spiritual leader of Kehillat Etz Chaim in Detroit, Michigan. He is also the founder and director of the Detroit Center for Civil Discourse, which works to nurture deep relationships between people with diverse views through dialogue. He was previously the president of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, a Modern Orthodox rabbinical school in New York City. Rabbi Lopatin received rabbinical ordination from Yeshiva University and Yeshivas Brisk in Chicago.
Articles by Rabbi Asher Lopatin
Ask the Expert: Is It OK to Wear a Tallit Outside of Morning Services?
Is the Jewish prayer shawl reserved only for times of prayer?
Why You Should Stop Skipping Korbanot
This often ignored section of the morning prayers aims to remind us that there is holy work to be done -- and we are the only ones who can do it.
Pikuach Nefesh: The Jewish Value of Saving a Life
The primacy of human life is a fundamental principle of Jewish law and a core value of Jewish tradition.
When a Loved One’s Politics Feels Like a Betrayal
In civil engagement, Judaism offers a way forward.
Come Together
Just as Judah approached Joseph, Jews of all stripes must show we can be one united people.
Cause and Effect
Eikev shows us that everything we do — or avoid doing — has consequences, even if we don’t see them now.
The Spiritual Trauma of Taking a Life
How the kosher practice of waiting between meat and dairy reminds us of Moses' discomfort with violence.