Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow

Rabbi Avi Orlow is the Director of Jewish Education at the Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC). Before joining FJC in 2008, Avi was the Campus Rabbi and Assistant Director of the St. Louis Hillel at Washington University and has held numerous positions as rabbi, educator, and youth leader. He spent 17 years as a camper and then educator at Ramah Camps in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and YUSSR camps in the Former Soviet Union. Avi has a B.A. in religious studies from Columbia University and was ordained in the charter class at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, the open Orthodox rabbinical school. He lives in White Plains with his wife, Cantor Adina Frydman, and their children, Yadid, Yishama, and Emunah.


Articles by Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow

A Meaningful Thanksgivukkah

On their surfaces, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving are simple holidays.  We see the themes of light breaking through the darkness, a ...

Falling in Love with Myself

He was bubbling over with excitement. He had heard so much about this place. This was his first time away ...

Seeking Shelter

This past Sunday I convinced my sons to join me out back to put up our Sukkah, ritual dwelling for Sukkot, arguing that ...

Room For Improvement

A couple of years ago I was walking to synagogue with my two boys on the morning of Rosh Hashanah, ...

Revealing Jewish Camp

It is interesting that as we are in the final countdown to Shavuot we start the reading the Book of Numbers. ...

Model Lessons

According to Jewish Law it’s the practice to refrain from getting married between Passover and Shavuot – until Lag B’Omer (Shulchan Aruch 493:1). ...

Independence Thinking

Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow is the Director of Jewish Education at the Foundation for Jewish Camp.Unlike many parents who send ...

Timely Growth

Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow is the Director of Jewish Education at the Foundation for Jewish Camp.I am excited. Tonight we ...

Purim: Blessing and Curse

Rabbi Avi Katz Orlow is the Director of Jewish Education at the Foundation for Jewish Camp.Our oldest child has reached ...
