Rabbi Avraham Fischer
Avraham Fischer is a rabbi at Darche Noam Institutions.
Articles by Rabbi Avraham Fischer
Remember Your Rock, Your Creator
Moshe poetically reminds the Children of Israel of the importance of remembering God who created them.
Moses’ Approach Towards Death
Several commentaries interpret Moses's going to the people before his death.
Empowering Fear
Moses teaches the people that their achievement of true fear of God will allow them to not fear any enemy.
Punishments, Land, And People
Even during their long exile from the land of Israel, the Jewish people will retain their covenant with God, despite the punishments God exacts against the land.
Compassionate Conquest
The war against Midian teaches that when Israel does fight wars, they must fight with compassion and a minimum of casualties.
And Your Camp(s) Shall Be Holy
The laws regarding the purity of the Tabernacle and the purity of military camps remind us to ensure the sanctity of all of our dwelling places.
Wary Of War
The understanding that Israelite troops were addressed on two different occasions before they entered war reflects the idea that our reactions to war often depend on its imminence.
Sticks And Stoned
The person who gathered wood on Shabbat in Parashat Sh'lach violated the atmosphere of tranquility essential to the Sabbath.
The Limits Of Power And Conquest
The Book of Numbers, full of bloodshed and division, ends with a call for unity and a discussion of the sanctity of life.