Rabbi Dr. Zev Farber

Rabbi Dr. Zev Farber is a research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute's Kogod Center and senior editor of TheTorah.com. He holds a Ph.D. from Emory University in Jewish religious cultures and Hebrew Bible, as well as rabbinic ordination from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. He is the author of Images of Joshua in the Bible and their Reception (2016), and editor of Halakhic Realities: Collected Essays on Brain Death (2015) and Halakhic Realities: Collected Essays on Organ Donation (2017).


Articles by Rabbi Dr. Zev Farber

Why Hanukkah Became Such a Big Deal

Though it is ostensibly about the purification of the Temple, Hanukkah really marks the political achievement of the Hasmoneans.

The Anxiety of Autumn

Jewish tradition places its celebration of the new year at a precarious moment in the calendar.

Hope and Curses

The curses listed at the end of the Book of Leviticus are less a warning than an empowering message that the past need not be repeated.

Between Nationalism and Ethics

National pride and unity are important, but it is ethical behavior that makes a people worthy of divine favor.

Living as Neighbors 

What should the attitude of Jewish returnees to Judea be to the dominant population of the region?

Law of the King

Six verses in Deuteronomy offer timeless lessons on the problem of power.

Solving the agunah problem means finding the right address

In the wake of the current discussion of the Gital Dodelson case (about which I know nothing more than what ...
