Rabbi Hayim Herring
Rabbi Hayim Herring, Ph.D., is C.E.O. of HayimHerring.com, and specializes in strategic change and anticipatory leadership development. HayimHerring.com’s mission is “Preparing Today’s Leaders for Tomorrow’s Organizations™.” He has served as a congregational rabbi of Beth El Synagogue in Minneapolis, MN., assistant executive director of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, and founding executive director of STAR (Synagogues: Transformation and Renewal), a foundation created by Michael Steinhardt, Edgar Bronfman, and Lynn Schusterman for synagogue innovation and rabbinic leadership development. Hayim has published over 70 scholarly and popular articles and studies primarily on the American Jewish community.
Articles by Rabbi Hayim Herring
Parashat Miketz: Reframing Loss
We can choose how we respond to situations over which we have no control.
Parashat Vayeshev: From Apathy to Empathy
Experiencing loss can enable us to better relate to the pain of others.
Parashat Vayishlach: Facing Fear After Loss
Jacob’s courage shows that by facing our fears, we can overcome them and move forward.
Parashat Vayetzei: Lonely but Not Alone
While grief is an inherently lonely and individual journey, we need not experience it alone.
Parashat Toldot: Digging Deeply Into Life
The story of Isaac reminds us that we can flow again into the stream of life.
Parashat Chayei Sarah: Restoring Good Memories
The Torah urges us to remember the years of strength and virtue whenever possible.
Parashat Vayera: Looking to the Future
To continue to live after loss, we must gently push ourselves to do what might seem impossible.
Parashat Lech-Lecha: Honor Your Parents, Respect Yourself
Like Abraham, we can acknowledge that we had to leave home.
Parashat Noach: Dreams Live On
While our loved ones are physically gone, they have willed their unfinished dreams to us.
Parashat Bereshit: The Gift of Forgiveness
God created forgiveness before anything in the physical universe because human beings are bound to err.