Rabbi Jaclyn Rubin-Blaier

Rabbi Jaclyn Rubin-Blaier spent several years studying Talmud and halakhah at the Jewish Theological Seminary, Drisha, Yeshivat Hadar, Pardes, and Matan, and she received ordination in 2013. She teaches Judaics to children in a variety of settings, and she loves the questions children ask!


Articles by Rabbi Jaclyn Rubin-Blaier

Gittin 8

Why David wasn't allowed to rebuild the Temple.

Sotah 16

Peshat and halakhah.

Nazir 60

One act for two purposes.

Nazir 13

I am hereby a nazir when I have a son.

Nedarim 57

Davar sheyesh lo matirin.

Nedarim 7

World’s shortest ostracism.

Ketubot 84

Justice and compassion.

Ketubot 55

Did he mean to divorce her?

Ketubot 34

The holiness of Shabbat.

Ketubot 30

Whose liability is it anyway?
