Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan

Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan, Ph.D. is religious leader of Seaside Jewish Community in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. She is a graduate of the ALEPH Rabbinic Program and also holds a Ph.D. in Hebrew Studies (Rabbinic Literature and Culture) from the University of Texas at Austin. Rabbi Danan has taught for California State University, the ALEPH Rabbinic Program, and the Academy for Jewish Religion. She created a website, wellspringsofwisdom.com, that focuses on Jewish spirituality in nature.


Articles by Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan

Reflections of God’s Glory

One of the more enjoyable aspects of my work as a rabbi is studying Torah portions with students becoming bar ...

Sanhedrin 34

Like a hammer that shatters rock.

From Persecution to Leadership

We are all responsible for leading in our own spheres while struggling with temptations and moral dilemmas

Holding Onto Revelation

Parashat Vayetzei begins with one of the most magnificent spiritual visions of the Torah: Jacob’s ladder. A young man, Jacob flees his ...

Bava Metzia 59

My children have defeated me.

Sotah 48

The good old days.

Moed Katan 9

Keeping our joys separate.

Megillah 23

Respect for the congregation.

Taanit 11

Communal solidarity.
