Rabbi Ronald H. Isaacs
Rabbi Ronald H. Isaacs is the spiritual leader of Temple Sholom in Bridgewater, New Jersey. He has served as the publications committee chairperson of the Rabbinical Assembly.
Articles by Rabbi Ronald H. Isaacs
Biblical and Rabbinic Ideas
Neither the Bible nor rabbinic literature are explicitly philosophical, but they nonetheless contain precedents invoked by later Jewish thinkers.
What Happens in Synagogue on Tisha B’av
There are some unique aspects to communal worship during Tisha B'Av.
The Ten Commandments
The division and structure has been open to interpretation throughout history.
Shavuot History: Talmudic Development
How the Rabbis brought Sinai and the Torah to the center of what had been a harvest celebration.
Why We Read The Book of Ruth on Shavuot
The connections between this story and the spring harvest festival.
Counting the Omer
The days between Passover and Shavuot are considered a time of mourning.