Rachel Scheinerman

Rachel Scheinerman is the editor of My Jewish Learning. She holds an MA in Scripture & Interpretation from Harvard Divinity School and a PhD in Rabbinic Literature from Yale University.


Articles by Rachel Scheinerman

Gittin 2

Welcome to Tractate Gittin.

Sotah 49

There is still me.

Sotah 29

Rabbi Akiva versus Rabbi Yishmael.

Parashat Tazria-Metzora: Healing From the Mysterious and Incomprehensible

The biblical practice of tzaarat offers insights into the grieving process.

Sotah 2

Welcome to Tractate Sotah.

Religious Catharsis

Modern Jewish life has been largely drained of the drama and emotional release available in ancient times. Is there a way to recapture it?

Nazir 53

A ruling from the prophets.

Nazir 30

A Nazirite in her father's stead.

Nazir 18

To shave or not to shave?
