Rachel Scheinerman

Rachel Scheinerman is the editor of My Jewish Learning. She holds an MA in Scripture & Interpretation from Harvard Divinity School and a PhD in Rabbinic Literature from Yale University.


Articles by Rachel Scheinerman

Nazir 12

Half a nazirite.

Nazir 2

Welcome to Tractate Nazir.

Esther and Daniel: Biblical Advice for Diaspora Communities

How should Jews live under foreign rule? These biblical books offer different answers to a 2,000-year-old question.

Nedarim 69

Ratified — no! — nullified.

Nedarim 47

Till death do us and our property part.

The Secret Connection Between Hanukkah and the Book of Daniel

Jewish tradition records two very different approaches to dealing with the religious persecutions of Antiochus IV.

Nedarim 41

Knowledge is power.

Nedarim 37

Teaching Torah to children.
