Sharon Gomperts and Rachel Sheff
Sharon Gomperts and Rachel Sheff have been friends since high school. They write a weekly food column for the Jewish Journal featuring Sephardic food and history, family recipes and their love of cooking and sharing recipes. They have collaborated on projects for the Sephardic Educational Center in Los Angeles and Jerusalem, as well as many community cooking classes. Follow them on Instagram @sephardicspicegirls and on Facebook at Sephardic Spice SEC Food.
Articles by Sharon Gomperts and Rachel Sheff
This Sephardi Rosh Hashanah Soup Is Steeped in Symbolism
My mother's simanim soup is full of blessings for the new year.
This Easy Iraqi Jewish Breakfast Is a Family Favorite
Kahi and qei'mar, ready in under 30 minutes.
Everything You Need to Make My Grandmother’s Iraqi Shabbat Breakfast
From Baghdad, with love.
The Flakiest Cheese and Spinach Bulemas Recipe
These Sephardic pastries are crispy, savory, cheesy heaven.
My Grandmother’s Iraqi Jewish Sambusak Are the Perfect Appetizer
These savory chickpea pockets also happen to be vegan.
Marzipan Stuffed Dates Are the Ultimate Moroccan Jewish Treat
For Moroccan Jews, no celebration is complete without marzipan-stuffed dates, walnuts and prunes, including for Mimouna.
Sesame Brittle Is the Ultimate Jewish Celebration Candy
Vegan and gluten-free, it’s the perfect quick treat to add to your holidays.