Sharon Weiss-Greenberg

Sharon Weiss-Greenberg is the former Director of Education Partnerships for My Jewish Learning. She previously worked as the Director of Development and Communications at ELI Talks and former Executive Director of JOFA, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance. Sharon also has served as the Rosh Moshava (Head of Camp) at Camp Stone, as the first Orthodox woman chaplain at Harvard University, and as a day school educator. She earned her doctorate at New York University. Sharon is an alumna of the Wexner Fellow/Davidson Scholarship graduate program and a Schusterman ROI Member. She studied at The Drisha Institute for Jewish Education and received her B.A. and M.A. from Yeshiva University.


Articles by Sharon Weiss-Greenberg

Mah Tovu: Seeking the Good

This biblical verse, traditionally recited as one enters a synagogue, has a challenging provenance.

Shabbat 122

You scratch my back.

Shabbat 107

Irreversible wounds.

Why Do Jews Pray in the Plural?

Jewish liturgy is almost always written in the plural form. Here's why.

Shabbat 65

Airing wet clothes in public.

Shabbat 63

Designer swords make the outfit pop.

Shabbat 57

It's all about the accessories.
