Sophia Tulchinsky

Sophia Tulchinsky is a rising junior in high school from Brooklyn. She decided to intern at HereNow because she wanted to explore her Jewish identity from a mental health perspective of life. On the side she runs a food blog called @foodbyny.


Articles by Sophia Tulchinsky

Burnout: How to Cope with It and How to Avoid It

Picture this: you started a new job while studying at school, work overtime, and have a crucial exam to study ...

How Parents Can Impact Your Mental Health & How to Cope

What happens when your biggest bully is your parent?“Oh, you need to go on a diet.” “Look at your grades, ...

A Collection of Reflection: Original Poems

My name is Sophia Tulchinsky, a 2022 summer intern at HereNow. I decided to create three poems that described prominent ...
