Tamar Fox
Tamar Fox is an associate editor at MyJewishLearning.com. She has an MFA in fiction writing from Vanderbilt University, and a BA from the University of Iowa. She has worked as the editor of the religion blog at Jewcy.com, and is on the Editorial Board at The Jew and the Carrot. She spent a summer as a fellow at Yeshivat Hadar, and was a Senior Apprentice Artist for four years at Gallery 37 in Chicago.
Articles by Tamar Fox
No Porn on Shabbat
I have been having an ongoing debate with one of my guy friends about pornography, and why I think it’s ...
Debating a Porn Star on the Merits of Holocaust Films
Yesterday I had a heated twitter debate with porn star Johnny Anglais about the merits of Holocaust movies. Really.How it ...
Religion Versus Financial Planning
These days I spend a lot of time volunteering as a gabbai at Kehilat Hadar, and among other things this ...
It’s Double Mitzvah Time!
Yesterday I had occasion to google the term “double mitzvah.” Growing up going to Jewish day schools, we all knew ...
Movies for Tu Bishvat
Over at New York Magazine’s Vulture blog they have a list of movies to help you celebrate Tu Bishvat. Now, ...
The Secret History of Sheitels
Many married Orthodox women cover their hair with wigs as a sign of modesty. Some of the wigs are pretty ...
A Different Kind of Dance
It always confused me that the religious guys I know are horrible (secular) dancers because they almost all shuckle on ...
LimmudNY: The Responsibility of the Teacher
When you’re attending four or five sessions a day at a conference like LimmudNY, you start to compile an internal ...
LimmudNY: Let’s Not Muddy This Up With Jewish Texts
So I just went to my first session here at LimmudNY 2011. It was called Relationships and Sexuality Consumerist Culture ...
Teaching Civil Rights to Jews
Many of us know that Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel walked with Martin Luther King Jr. at the Selma Civil Rights ...