Tamar Fox

Tamar Fox is an associate editor at MyJewishLearning.com. She has an MFA in fiction writing from Vanderbilt University, and a BA from the University of Iowa. She has worked as the editor of the religion blog at Jewcy.com, and is on the Editorial Board at The Jew and the Carrot. She spent a summer as a fellow at Yeshivat Hadar, and was a Senior Apprentice Artist for four years at Gallery 37 in Chicago.


Articles by Tamar Fox

Blending Traditions on Hanukkah

Motherlode, the parenting blog at NYTimes.com, has a really interesting post with a new twist on the age-old problem of ...

Are Nuns Too Forgiving?

I’m dying to see the new Meryl Streep movie, Doubt, about a nun with a bone to pick, but in ...

Notes for Giving a Dvar Torah

We have a really nice article with some tips for someone who’s planning to give a dvar Torah.  And when ...

She’s So Frum She Davens In Her Sleep

This past weekend both of my sisters came into town and we had a little Vixen Shabbaton (get it? Foxes…vixens…?). ...

Inter-racial Intermarriage: What’s Taboo and What’s Not

There’s a fascinating back-and-forth over at The Atlantic between Jeffrey Goldberg and Ta-Nehisi about exoticism and intermarriage in the black ...

Note to Self: Do Not Name Child ‘Shanda’

There was a really cute baby in the MJL office today, and it got us talking about baby names and ...

Dear God, Love Bob

Check out this fascinating article in The Guardian about all of the letters that people send to God, often addressed ...

A Letter Which Is Not Read

I’ve been dreaming about my mother a lot recently. A while back I wrote about how I’m not one of ...

Jewish Surfers of the Internets vs Jewish Surfers of the Waves

I was really confused when I first saw the headline of this article from Ynet news: Haredi surfers interfering in ...

Light Your Hanukkiah in Solidarity Against Terrorism–Or, You Know, Because of Hanukkah

Several people have forwarded me this email in the past two days:Dear Friends, Last Shabbat, in my sermon, I offered ...
