Tamar Fox

Tamar Fox is an associate editor at MyJewishLearning.com. She has an MFA in fiction writing from Vanderbilt University, and a BA from the University of Iowa. She has worked as the editor of the religion blog at Jewcy.com, and is on the Editorial Board at The Jew and the Carrot. She spent a summer as a fellow at Yeshivat Hadar, and was a Senior Apprentice Artist for four years at Gallery 37 in Chicago.


Articles by Tamar Fox

Go To Shul, Rock Your Report Card

A recent study at my alma mater, the University of Iowa (go Hawks!), concludes that teenagers who go to church ...

Do I Really Have to Market Reading To You?

I got waaaay behind in some of my RSS feeds in September, so I just saw this AdFreak commentary on ...

Re-Greening Sukkot

(Cross-posted at The Jew & The Carrot)I love sukkot, but one of the things that has always frustrated me about ...

Kugels and Chulent Only!

Over at Jewlicious Y-Love alerts us to a bizarre new modesty issue in the haredi community: an unnecessarily wide variety ...

Angelina Jolie Stars In: The Bible

There’s a new Bible on the market, and while it doesn’t have the awesome JPS translation going for it, it ...

Celebrate Yom Kippur With Jewish Athletes

For reasons that aren’t totally clear to me InGameNow decided to take Yom Kippur as an opportunity to list their ...

The Case of the Jew-y Getaway Car

If I was going to rob a bank on and steal a rabbi’s car to use as a getaway vehicle, ...

Aramaic for the Masses

Over at the Aramaic Blog there’s news of an online Introduction to Aramaic course being offered at a discount to ...

Israel and Iran Make Nice Over Sick Kid

An Iranian child with a brain tumor will be in Israel with his family for two weeks while he undergoes ...

Pink Ribbons and Yom Kippur

It’s October, which, as you may have noticed is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and there’s a pink ribbon on everything ...
