Tamar Fox

Tamar Fox is an associate editor at MyJewishLearning.com. She has an MFA in fiction writing from Vanderbilt University, and a BA from the University of Iowa. She has worked as the editor of the religion blog at Jewcy.com, and is on the Editorial Board at The Jew and the Carrot. She spent a summer as a fellow at Yeshivat Hadar, and was a Senior Apprentice Artist for four years at Gallery 37 in Chicago.


Articles by Tamar Fox


The New York Times has a fun article on traditional hamantaschen, and some newer riffs on the classic. Fillings of ...

Is This Real?

You know when you see a YouTube video and you cannot tell if it’s real or a spoof? This video ...

The Opposite of a Scandal

As far as I can tell, there are two kinds of scandals. There’s the “I can’t believe that someone who ...

Everybody’s Jewish

People who are apparently Jewish, or at least Jew-ish according to the latest news cycle:Valerie Jarrett Charlie Sheen John Galliano’s ...

Steal This Matzah

Over at the Awl there’s an awesome post about something called Moonstrips which are apparently awesome and made of matzah ...

Jewish Girls Should Get Married

On Sunday night I had a conversation with my ex about marriage. Every time he sees me he ends up ...

How to Get Fired in Hollywood/Paris

Admitting anti-Semitism is not a good career move. Unless, I guess, you work in early 1940s Germany, or maybe contemporary ...

Win a Gorgeous Jewish Cookbook!

Here at MJL we are very proud of our frequent contributor and generally awesome friend Leah Koenig, whose cookbook, The ...

Wise Fridays: The Most Love

“The highest position in the love of people must be taken by the love of man, and it must extend ...

Baruch Hashem!

I say Baruch Hashem a lot. It means, basically, thank God, and since I went to a very religious high ...
