Vanessa Ochs
Rabbi Vanessa Ochs, Ph.D, is professor emeritus of religious studies at the University of Virginia and the Rabbi Sally Preisand Visiting Professor for '23-'24 year in the rabbinical schools of HUC-JIR.
Articles by Vanessa Ochs
Multiple Meanings
In graduate school, I heard certain new (at least to me) fancy words in every seminar, and no matter how ...
Parashat Masei: Cycles of Grief
One season we find ourselves among the mourners, the next we are among the comforters.
Find a Rabbi
Jewish weddings don't require a rabbi. But here's why it's a good idea anyway.
Parashat Behar: Advance Planning
Having some logistics in place can alleviate some of the anxiety surrounding a loved one's death.
Parashat Achrei Mot: Space to Grieve
Aaron's silence after the death of his sons confirms what we know: Death should not be explained away.
Shouting at the Television
What if the central narrative of the Jewish people had been different?
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai: God In Our Grief
Where is God when we are grieving after the bad things happen?
Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim: Space to Grieve
This week’s Torah reading is a double portion composed of Achrei Mot (“After the Death” ) and Kedoshim (“Holiness”). The ...