I would really like to be in the meeting at the advertising agency where someone brings up using Hitler in an ad, and everyone else goes, “Great idea!” I know the ad men on Mad Men drink a lot at work, but I kind of thought that had gone out with the typewriter.
Anyway, there’s a new PSA which equates practicing unsafe sex to sleeping with Hitler. Seriously. See, because AIDS is a mass murderer. Just like Hitler. ::Shudder::
Oh yeah. And this PSA? It’s from Germany.
I am all about safe sex but I could really have done without the visual, here. Also, there’s a video. It’s really really NSFMJL but kind of worth watching just because it’s amazing that it got made at all.
I know that Jewish organizations know Holocaust-related scare tactics are always effective, but I kind of wish they hadn’t told Madison Avenue.
(In case you’re keeping track, this is the third Hitler ad campaign I’ve blogged about this year.)