The Strangest Top Ten


Everyone loves Top Ten lists. They are easy to read (and write!) and generally are straight to the point. No need to beat around the bush–here are ten things that you love.

But this recent Top Ten list I found is a little bit on the weird side. Let’s just say that David Letterman won’t be reading these any time soon.

What am I talking about?

The Simon Wiesenthal Center came out with the Top Ten Anti-Semitic Slurs of 2010. I’m not exactly sure why. It just seems like a weird way to cover anti-Semitism over the past year. It’s almost as though they are reflecting on the great job their company did over the last year and this is sort of a “Best Of” compilation.

But while we’re here, we might as well take a look at who made the list.

At #1, we obviously have Helen Thomas. She can be remembered for telling the Jews to get out of Palestine and return to Poland.

At #4, they feature the Palestinian Authority Deputy Minister of Information (sounds so 1984) saying that the Jews have no historical claim to the Temple Mount.

The only one I really have a problem with is former CNN host Rick Sanchez at #7. I’m pretty sure what Rick Sanchez said about Jews in the media was dumb and he has taken it back. To say that he is anti-Semitic is a bit of a stretch and really kind of unfair to a guy who is already down.

Just my two cents.

But seriously, Simon Wiesenthal, you’re above Top Ten lists.


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