We Can Do Better Than Chinese Food


This is something that I’ve never really understood. Why is it a “thing” to eat Chinese on Christmas Eve? Yeah, yeah. I get it. The only places that are open on Christmas are movie theatres and Chinese restaurants.

But that’s not my issue. Why do we feel the need to eat Chinese food on Christmas? Who cares that it’s Christmas? It’s not our holiday. Why do we need to have our own customs? Just make spaghetti or something.

Why don’t we eat sushi on Easter (Because it’s Passover. That’s why)? Eating Chinese is just a sign that we’re uncomfortable with being outcasts on Christmas. But the funny thing is that we aren’t even on Christians’ radars. We don’t matter on Christmas. And I’m cool with that.

Tomorrow, eat something else. I know I will (unless I have no food. Then I’m gonna order some Chinese or something).


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