What is a Sukkah? A Video Presentation


Have you ever tried to explain to someone what a sukkah is? As opposed to some Jewish rituals and concepts (no electricity on Shabbat, to name one), the sukkah’s description is always met with a mixture of “WHAT???!” and “WHAT?!?!?” (the second “WHAT” is the positive kind).

People, Jews and non-Jews alike, seem to be fascinated with the strange ritual of building and living in  a hut in your backyard for a week every fall. That’s why it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that so many people showed up this weekend to Union Square here in New York City to check out the Sukkah City design competition.

Because the sukkahs that were on display at Sukkah City were so darn cool, we thought it would be a great opportunity to shoot a neat little video for your viewing pleasure. And thanks to the amazing Liz Nord, that’s exactly what we did.

Even if you already know what a sukkah is, I assure you that this video is well worth your while.


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