Hasids in the Super Bowl


Okay fine, the Super Bowl was five days ago. No one cares anymore. Onto the next thing. I promise though, this video is only semi-football related.

If you watched any of the Super Bowl coverage in the week leading up to the game, or even during the game, there were a lot of jokes made about the beard of Brett Keisel, the Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end. He’d been growing it since a summer hunting trip with his dad, and needless to say, it’s gotten a little out of control. It’s so bushy that he probably wouldn’t even need a face mask on his helmet. His beard would provide all the protection he needs.

This all led up to Sunday night with a shot of Keisel pumping himself up before the game. Someone took that clip and decided that he looked like a dancing Hasid. Thanks to the magic of the internet, we have got ourselves a pretty funny mashup video.

(via Bangitout)


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