The Battle for Jerusalem


Oh, man. I love Jerusalem. There’s something about the agony of every shot in this video that gives me chills, or a warm satisfied sigh — or makes me quake in my bones. Just watch this video and tell me that the shot of the Kotel at night doesn’t blow you away.

There’s a war going on, director Liz Nord writes, “between the rapidly growing ultra-religious and the majority moderate and secular communities for control of the city.”

Liz Nord, the filmmaker who made our awesome What Is a Sukkah? video, is trying to produce her second feature, The Battle for Jerusalem. There are five days left in her campaign to raise $10,000. On the website IndieGoGo, she’s raised nearly $5,000 so far — but, if she doesn’t raise the rest of the money by Friday, then she doesn’t get any of it.

Her movie is more than scenes of Jerusalem. She’s working to document the cultural renaissance happening in the new wave of artists and activists who are working to keep Jerusalem open to everyone. Go here, read about her documentary, and give her a few bucks if you can — there are rewards, too, if you can afford them!


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