Mazel Tov Shaya & Perry!


I think that in the past week or so, I’ve watched this video 30 times. I can’t get over how amazing it is. And here is how you know a YouTube video is awesome. If it is able to forever change how you think about a pop culture icon, the video is a keeper.

In this example, Lady Gaga will now forever be associated with the wedding of Shaya and Perry (at least in my mind). Why sing Gaga’s lyrics when we can celebrate the next steps in the lives of two great, Torah-abiding Jews?

The questions I have for the makers of the video are endless. Where did all the

men learn about Lady Gaga? Did Shaya and Perry ask them to sing Lady Gaga at their wedding? Could the crowd at the end look more confused than they already are? Have your own look and come up with your own questions.



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