Get Your Menurkey Ready


I usually write posts about topics like challenges facing our community, and my work in engagement and social justice. But recently, I traveled to Houston, Texas, where I got to visit my friend and colleague, Charlett, who’s good at getting folks into the holiday spirit – especially for a very nontraditional fusion of holidays!

Charlett is a creative Southern Jewish thinker. When she heard the idea of a “menurkey,” she immediately thought of the Thanksgiving turkey that already makes appearance in her home each year around Thanksgiving. Usually, this turkey holds lollipops. This year, instead of holding lollipops, Charlett’s turkey is a
, complete with candles!

The Countdown to Thanksgivukkah is on, and we’re looking forward to sharing some particularly Southern and Jewish twists on this holiday…!

Do you have any special Thanksgivukkah crafts, recipes, or plans? Tell us in the comments below!!


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