Mixed Multitudes
Ritual Contamination and Liberalism
David Klinghoffer’s latest assault on liberalism — published on Jewcy.com — is an attempt to frame liberalism in terms of ...
The Safran Foer Haggadah
The Forward‘s got the scoop on novelist Jonathan Safran Foer’s next writing projects. The first is a continuation to his ...
Yentl the Mensch
What is it about Barbra?Jewish Women’s Archive celebrates mega-star Barbra Streisand’s 1963 Broadway debut in This Week in History: Streisand has ...
The $Big$ Winner
This just in from the Jewish Book Council: New York, NY (March 21, 2007) –The Jewish Book Council, administrator of ...
Without an Eruv
This past Shabbat, my little boy was a prisoner of Jewish law. The DC Eruv was down, which meant that ...
What if Ariel Sharon Woke Up?
I just got emailed this dialogue that sums up the current state of Israeli politics:It is a rainy night, and ...
My Holocaust
I just received a review copy of Tova Reich’s forthcoming novel My Holocaust, and it looks intense, to say the ...
Jewish Music in Texas
I just returned from a mini-vacation in Austin — my fifth trip to South By Southwest (SXSW), the music industry’s ...
The Stateless Fuhrer
Bringing new meaning to the expression “A day late and a dollar short”: Hitler may be stripped of German citizenship, reports ...
The Segulah Trap
Feeling superstitious? Recently The Jewish Week took a look at segulot, Jewish good luck charms. Turns out that they’re not so Jewish after ...