Mixed Multitudes
Conference and post-conference wrap-up
So, the Association for Jewish Studies conference wrapped up yesterday, and I’ve been ensconced in a post-conference conference until now. ...
Jewcy Pics
Gawker has posted photos of last night’s Jewcy launch party with its usual snarky commentary to go with: We were ...
A Hanukkah Reminder
This is a reminder to all MyJewishLearning.com visitors that this weekend will mark the end of our promotion with Craig ...
Joel Roth’s Closet
So I was looking through our blog stats (how many people are visiting, where they’re coming from, etc) and I ...
Move over Osteen…
UPDATE: I thought it was funny enough that Yeshiva University President Richard Joel was nominated for MSNBC’s Boomer Hall of ...
Two Joels
Yeah, they share a name, but televangelist Joel Osteen and Yeshiva University president Richard Joel have something else in common: ...
Rushkoff Responds
In discussing the “Next Big Jewish Idea” question, I cited Douglas Rushkoff’s writing on business innovation and noted his book ...
The Ridiculous, the Sublime, the Brilliant
I’m at dinner (at a mexican restaurant). I can’t reflect on any of the day’s events as I spent all ...
Fun with Panels
Panels are where the business of the AJS conference happens. At worst, they’re dry presentations of old research. At best ...
Debating God
Over at Jewcy.com, Douglas Rushkoff, the subject of some recent posts here, and our friend Rabbi Andy Bachman are duking ...