Rabbis Without Borders

Rabbis Without Borders is a dynamic forum for exploring contemporary issues in the Jewish world and beyond. Written by rabbis of different denominations, viewpoints, and parts of the country, Rabbis Without Borders is a project of Clal – The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership.


Should it be so Hard to Condemn the Murder of Ari Fuld?

On the one hand – “Thou Shalt not Murder” but on the other hand – “He who comes to kill you, rise up first to kill him”.

Columbus Day: A Sign of Celebration, Or a Ritual that Should Be Put To Rest?

When I picture Christopher Columbus, I picture this boat, and I recall the story I learned as a child in ...

A Time For Men.  Real Men. 

Up until now, #MeToo has been a women’s movement.  Appropriately so. It is driven by us and for us. Our ...

Invited to Remember

An Alternative Yizkor Service

Leaving Failure Behind and Embracing the Possible

Embracing a growth mindset opens up infinite new ways forward

Dear Anita Hill,

2018 is the year of the Women in politics.
