Rabbis Without Borders
Rabbis Without Borders is a dynamic forum for exploring contemporary issues in the Jewish world and beyond. Written by rabbis of different denominations, viewpoints, and parts of the country, Rabbis Without Borders is a project of Clal – The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership.
A Completely Trivial and Out-of-Context Snapshot of Israeli Military Rule
The army usually declares a closure of the Palestinian territories for the holidays, meaning that all permits allowing Palestinians entrance into Israel become null and void.
Vayakhel Pekudei
We believe that it is our holy work to address poverty, structural racism, environmental degradation, the military economy, and most importantly, the moral tone of the national dialogue.
Where Do You Keep Your Safety Deposit Box?
As a rabbi, I am privileged to officiate at many life cycle events. I become part of a family’s life ...
Target The Heart
Feelings are important, but a wise world can’t run only on feelings. Facts matter, actions matter, consequences matter.
The Al Aqsa Mosque = The Holy Temple?
Can Judaism and Islam share this holy site?
Nu, What’s New?
Jewish tradition seems schizophrenic about whether anything really is new.
Making #MeToo Mine as a Mom
Balancing the need to raise resilient children with ensuring they know they do not have to accept inappropriate behavior.