Rabbis Without Borders
Rabbis Without Borders is a dynamic forum for exploring contemporary issues in the Jewish world and beyond. Written by rabbis of different denominations, viewpoints, and parts of the country, Rabbis Without Borders is a project of Clal – The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership.
Even the Secular New Year Calls for Teshuvah
Closing 2017 and closing the Book of Genesis.
Winter Break Ritual
Consulting with my adult daughter about what she’s reading now...
#Resist Amalek
Amalek is within each of us. It is the voice that justifies our demonization of other groups of people
Who Cares About Esau?
There is no way to know whether they will remember anything I taught them or whether they will still care about Esau in 25 years
When Your Role Model Disappoints You
We are always capable of being better- and so is everyone else
Non-Pulpit Rabbis Are Rabbis, Too
Why should the fact that I have a company that serves synagogues rather than in a synagogue make me an “other” in the Jewish professional community?
Torn Between (a Particular) Truth and (a Mutual) Peace
In 1967, the Knesset declared unified Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Time to Make Your Hanukkah Resolutions
Exploring the roots of the word, Hanukkah.
Sandwiches Trump Services: Why Bologna and Cheese is ‘Jewish’ on Thanksgiving
We don’t do things just because it has always been done that way.
How Small Stuff Can Set Big Examples
There's no encounter lacking in spiritual potential