Rabbis Without Borders

Rabbis Without Borders is a dynamic forum for exploring contemporary issues in the Jewish world and beyond. Written by rabbis of different denominations, viewpoints, and parts of the country, Rabbis Without Borders is a project of Clal – The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership.


Gratitude with a Side of Humility and Guilt

I know how lucky I am. I am so grateful. I am humbled. And, I feel guilty

King David, Batsheva and #MeToo

If Batsheva had had the chance, the tweet would have written itself, but we never heard her side of the story.

Me, Too.

The Jewish tradition is very clear that all sexual encounters require explicit consent.

How A Communal Celebration (Shemini Atzeret) Reminds Us of the Dangers of Loneliness

While we may connect loneliness to situations of illness or grief, loneliness can be found among any number of life situations

What Makes the Tears Flow – That Sweet, Special Moment

At the back of the room sat a woman, her husband, and her mother. 

Exhaling After the Holidays

If we made High Holy Day promises, will we keep them?

“Finders Keepers”

What should one do with an envelope of money?

Don’t Confuse Ideology with Identity

Should rabbis talk about politics, or should they strive to make the High Holidays a sanctuary from bad news?

What Would You Do for a Little Sweetness?

Symbols are no good if they are not filled by our actions
