Rabbis Without Borders

Rabbis Without Borders is a dynamic forum for exploring contemporary issues in the Jewish world and beyond. Written by rabbis of different denominations, viewpoints, and parts of the country, Rabbis Without Borders is a project of Clal – The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership.



Responding to the winds of change around us rather than simply being buffeted by them

Occupier and Occupied

At the front lines of trying to build Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Judaism’s Three Rs for the 21st Century

Today's spiritual focus must be to cultivate collective human potential amidst increasing diversity and galloping social, political and environmental change.

Some Endings Lead to Beginnings

Like many synagogues across the country, Temple Emanu-El went quickly from being a vibrant Jewish community to having no possibility of maintaining financial stability and therefore needed to close its doors.

I’ll Tell You What You Need to Do

Why would they stand and hold signs that say ‘We refuse to be enemies’ when every day they are treated by our authorities like less-than-human enemies? 

Falling in Love in Jerusalem

Like many great love affairs, time and the business of life eroded the fabric that bound us together.

Humans are Just Bigger Cats (or Smaller Elephants)

There's a surprising regularity connecting the size, speed, and lifespan of not just animals, but cities and organizations, as well

What Do We Do About Violence in the Torah?

Why do we draw so many conclusions about each other’s religious traditions from small excerpts of text?

Playing With Fire

I do not set the table on fire accidentally. I set my piece on fire intentionally

Summer Vacation – Gateway to Teshuvah

I offer my present lightness of being as Torah, the Torah of embracing our fullest selves, reverent and irreverent impulses equally inspired by the divine.
