Rabbis Without Borders

Rabbis Without Borders is a dynamic forum for exploring contemporary issues in the Jewish world and beyond. Written by rabbis of different denominations, viewpoints, and parts of the country, Rabbis Without Borders is a project of Clal – The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership.


When Is Something Not A Jewish Issue?

Jewish organizations, along with other faith-based and secular social justice organizations, have been ablaze with statements and action alerts during ...

Theology in a Time of Anti-Semitism

Paying attention to dreams is an ancient Jewish spiritual practice. Our biblical ancestors Isaac and Jacob dreamed of God. Jacob’s ...

Find Your Mercy

I think we could all use a little more mercy and compassion. Day after day, the news is filled with ...

A Seder for Israel?

You’ve heard of a Passover Seder and maybe a Tu B’shevat Seder. How about an “Israel Seder“?The idea of a seder (“order”), ...

If ‘Trolling’ Is A Symptom, Have We All Become Infected?

Last week, as I began my annual exploration of Jewish ethical wisdom on the use of speech, or lashon hara, I ...

The 21st Century Resume: ‘Who I Am’ Trumps ‘What I Do’

Over the past several months, I have been given a daily gift. It doesn’t have a monetary value, nor does ...

How Scared Should I Be?

I have been debating this question a lot over the past month. The Jewish Community Center where my daughter attends ...

Purim: The First International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day, and we have a confluence, as we sometimes do, between secular observances and our Jewish ...

Massacre in the Patriarch’s Tomb

The following letter to the Palestinian people shall never be sent. After at least three rewritings and endless discussions among ...

Should A Woman Be Humble?

“He has told you, O man, what is good, And what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice ...
