Rabbis Without Borders

Rabbis Without Borders is a dynamic forum for exploring contemporary issues in the Jewish world and beyond. Written by rabbis of different denominations, viewpoints, and parts of the country, Rabbis Without Borders is a project of Clal – The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership.


A Celebration of New Friendships

Most of us live in a bubble – the bubble of our friends, our family, our workplace and our community. ...

Why My Father Went to War

 I had already seen the cover art of this week’s New Yorker magazine in a news feed, but when the ...

Why American Jews Should Stop Observing Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day

An interesting thing happened two weeks ago.When President Trump issued his executive order banning refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries, ...

Should the F-word Be Off Limits for Rabbis?

At that moment I felt utterly violated, encroached upon. I know that it sounds like I am exaggerating but I ...

They Warned Me About This in Hebrew School

If my Facebook feed is any indication, there’s quite a bit of discontent these days with many recent political decisions. ...

At This Point in Time

Last week, all around the country, people stayed awake late into the night and took to the streets.The U.S Department of ...

Trust Your Gut — But Verify

Near the beginning of the movie Men in Black, Will Smith‘s character is being tested to see if he has ...

Calling Me a LibTarded B—– Won’t Help

Recently someone called me a libtarded b—- in the course of a Facebook discussion regarding the president’s executive order reinstating ...

Catching Our Breath

This Shabbat we celebrate the New Moon of Shevat, the beginning of the Hebrew month in which the world begins ...

The Torah of the Stateless and the Marginalized

What does it mean to be part of a social change movement?I recently was privileged to learn first-hand one way ...
