More Holidays


What I can’t stop thinking about this week.

This week, we have heard endless blatheration on what Trayvon Martin should have done, whether Zimmerman was legally culpable, whether ...

Tu B’Av: Day of Love

Tu B’Av is a little-known Jewish holiday, coming just six days after the mournful commemoration of tragedy during Tisha B’Av. ...

Do We Prefer Yom Hazikaron or Memorial Day?

Is Yom Hazikaron a good thing?  This unusual question recently popped into my head while we were teaching our religious ...

Shakshuka Pizza

I love making pizza at home, and especially enjoy trying new flavor toppings. Some of our favorites include white pesto ...

“The Power is YOURS!”

Did you grow up watching Captain Planet? (I didn’t – but that’s a long story; apparently I have some catching ...

This is real and you are completely unprepared!

This is real and you are completely unprepared!What? Just the thought strikes panic in my heart. I like to be ...

Tu Bishvat and the Spiritual Meaning of Tax Season

As I write today’s blog entry on Tu Bishvat, I’m sitting in my home office looking at the piles of ...

Tu Bishvat Foods Roundup

Happy Tu Bishvat! Today we celebrate the birthday of the trees by eating fruit, nuts, grains, and other things that ...

Banana Cake for Tu Bishvat

A fruity cake recipe for the birthday of the trees.

Persimmon and Pistachio Cupcakes

What to eat on the birthday of the trees.

Sangria for Tu Bishvat

Enjoy the holiday with this refreshing drink.

Haftarah for Vaetchanan

Finally, some words of comfort for Jerusalem and its people.
