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Fast Days: Synagogue Laws & Customs

Fast days are acknowledged in the synagogue liturgy.

Fast Days for Repentance & Atonement

The Jewish calendar has a number of such days in addition to Yom Kippur.

The Fast of the First Born

This pre-Passover fast applies to a select few.

Shabbat Hazon & Shabbat Nahamu

The Sabbaths before and after Tisha B'Av provide a message of comfort and consolation.

A Day of Disaster

Many calamitous events are said to have occurred on Tisha B'Av.

Tisha B’Av History

The tragic events commemorated on this day of fasting and mourning.

Holocaust Observances

Holocaust commemorations have--and should have--some common elements.

Early Proposals for Holocaust Commemoration

Would Yom haShoah be associated with other tragedies, connected to heroism--or stand on its own?

Setting a Date for Yom Hashoah

After much debate, a compromise date--satisfactory to none--is chosen.

Destruction As Punishment

Tradition gives a separate reason for the fall of each Temple.

Personal & Communal Observances

The customs and rituals all relate to mourning practices.

The Environmentally Conscious Jewish Home

For Jewish families, caring for the environment could be part of a wider consciousness of living in a world that is a divine gift.
