Tisha B’Av


Tisha B’Av Quiz

How much do you know about Tisha B'Av?

Judaism after the Temple

Coping with destruction and building for the future.

The Temple and its Destruction

A look into the psyche of ancient Judaism.

Beyond the Three Weeks

The month of Av brings with it forgiveness similar to the experience of Yom Kippur.

The Western Wall Today

The sole remnant of the ancient Temple plays a role in observing festivals in modern times.

What Happens in Synagogue on Tisha B’av

There are some unique aspects to communal worship during Tisha B'Av.

The Spiritual Trauma of Taking a Life

How the kosher practice of waiting between meat and dairy reminds us of Moses' discomfort with violence.

Grief & Opportunity

The mourning associated with Tisha B'Av is also a call to action.

Chanting the Book of Eicha

The biblical Book of Lamentations is chanted in a unique style, with each verse beginning in a major mode and ending in its relative minor mode.

What Is Sinat Chinam, or Baseless Hatred?

For Tisha B'Av, a look at the common explanation for the Temple's demise.

On History and Memory

You can learn history, but how does one acquire memory?


Eicha, the Book of Lamentations, asks important questions that address the theological crisis following the Jewish exile.
