

Reimagining Passover at Matzapalooza

As you know, New York City is full of fresh new takes on classic Jewish comfort foods, like matzah ball ...

Passover, Then and Now

Pesach (Passover) is my favorite holiday. I enjoy reading about the journey from slavery to freedom and the journey of ...

Ok, We’re Free. Now What?

Edgar Bronfman sets out 12 fundamental Jewish actions in new book.

Love, Sex, and Assault: A Passover Discussion

Two weeks ago, on this very blog, my colleague Ruth Abusch-Magder said, “Let’s talk about sex!”And now, just before Passover, ...

What is Kosher for Passover?

Kosher-for-Passover food is a bit more complicated than everyday kosher food, but with a little more creativity (and maybe a ...

The Fifth Question: “Can You Hear Me Now?”

“Can you hear me now?” In the famous TV advertisement about cellular phone service, it’s what the eyeglass-wearing geek clad in a ...

Not Your Grandfather’s Manishewitz: My Mission to Bring Good Wine to Your Seder

At this time of year, I have a mission… to save Jews from bad wine. Now, I know that some ...

A Sephardic Passover Meat Pie

For one Greek Jewish family, this casserole has been a seder staple for years.

Emerging from Narrow Places: Passover and the Stories of LGBTQ Jews

Passover is also a time for us to reflect on the mitzrayim we face today: what are the narrow places from which we must emerge? What are the ways in which we must move toward freedom from transphobia and heterosexism in our families, our workplaces, our Jewish communities? What steps do we need to take to bring us farther along on this journey?

If Frum (Orthodox) Men Were Advised Like Women (at Passover)

Gentlemen, as Passover approaches, I thought you would appreciate the following advice: To avoid the usual stress of Passover cleaning, ...

Intermarriage and the Jewish Garden

Over the next few weeks, the Torah portions we are reading obsess about two terms with which translators struggle mightily. ...

Bsisa: A Tasty Tradition To Begin The Passover Season

What is the best way to usher in the Passover season? Not with handwringing and housecleaning, but with celebration, blessing ...
