Why Do Some Jews Visit Uman for Rosh Hashanah?
The Ukrainian city has been a site for Hasidic pilgrimage for more than 200 years since the death of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.
The Book of Ruth and the Power of Names
The story of Ruth, read on the holiday of Shavuot, teaches that respect for others begins with recognizing their names.
Al Hanisim: A Holiday Prayer of Thanks for Everyday Miracles
Why does the prayer recited on Hanukkah fail to make any mention of the holiday's central miracle?
9 Things You Didn’t Know About Shavuot
Why some synagogues use paper-cuts as decorations, how Israelis celebrate with water, and other lesser-known facts about this springtime holiday.
The 15 Best Hanukkah Pet Pictures on Instagram
Unleash your Hanukkah spirit with these adorably Jew-ish cats, dogs and other furry friends.
Adapting the Sheva Brachot for Same-Sex Marriages
Tweaking the traditional rituals and blessings for LGBT wedding ceremonies.
Highlights of the Shabbat Morning Synagogue Service
The major parts of the Saturday morning service.
27 Shavuot Recipe Ideas
Enjoy the holiday known for blintzes and cheesecake and all things creamy and cheesy.